Thursday, March 25, 2010

Future of Media #80 Movies

1. Yes, I would watch an entire film on my computer. Since my previous post I've bought a new laptop with decent memory and the stops and starts of streaming are tolerable. The quality of the picture is sometimes grainy though, and if given a choice I'd rather watch a DVD.

2. I wouldn't watch trailers to keep up with films. I'd rather read reviews and hear what friends have to say.

Auteur looked great. I like artsy foreign films...may watch one this weekend. I'm becoming a regular user of Hulu. I had a hard time finding a full-length film in IMBD but it had lots of information.

3. I probably won't pay to watch movies on my computer. There's enough free stuff online and DVD's at the library. I'd rather spend my movie dollars at a theater.

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